Saturday, December 2, 2017

Well, I have competed (am completing) Round 7 of Chemotherapy or you can call poison injections.  But since it is working - my tumor continues to shrink, my C-19-9 scores are at the lowest, my blood work is maintaining the necessary range to continue treatment, I am an ideal patient.  What a bizarre thing to say = an ideal cancer patient, but I guess it fits into the surreal existence in which am in functioning.

So, we have to ask ourselves how this can be.  I have only one answer and it is the army of people that I have on my side.  The prayers are legion, I have old lady prayers circles, friends, family who pray every day.  I have at least 2 Presbyterian Churches, 2 Mosques, I'm in the bulletin of 3Parishes, and who says we have a religious issue in our country today - they are fools as all of these people are good folk with the best of intentions and that are all for me.  It is these people who give me the strength of body to get through the treatments and my work day.  Yes I am still working, although this week I am curtailing my schedule.  My goal is to work until exams in January and then seamless transition to my substitute. 

The Walk was a great experience - I got to meet SURVIVORS - I did not expect that to happen. I was surrounded by family, friends, colleagues, colleague of Tom's, Julia friends and parents - the love that day was so humbling and for that we are grateful.  This journey has not been an easy one but the love that we have received has been our strength -so keep it coming BECAUSE ITS WORKING!

On my worse days - those filled with fatigue, lightheadness and nausea, I can feel the strength of those prayers getting me through the day.  It fills me with relief that I don't have to do this alone.  My husband, Tom, has been my greatest source of strength: the juicing (thanks Sue C) to maintain nutrition, the supplements provided by Julia's visit to Colorado, the messages, cards, surprise meals have sustained us in stressful and frightening moments.  By gratitude is unbounded.

This is a marathon and I can see the finish line, one more Chemo session and then rebuilding my body before all the poison and infected organs can be taken out and my surgeon can tell me that I am cancer free.  That is the goal!